
Wakizashi signed Oushu Natori-ju YASUTUGU

Shinto early Edo period (kanbun era/1661-) Mutsu/Bushu
Length of cutting edge 51.1cm Curvature 0.7cm Width of Base 28.8mm Width of Yokote 20.5mm Thickness of base 6.2mm

NBTHK(Tokubetsu Hozon) certificate

Blade construction: Shinogo-zukuri, Iori-mune. Both Ha-machi and Mune-machi is on deeper side in excellent condition. Mihaba is wide and the Shinogi-ridge is high holding a bit on shallower side in curvature. The blades has an appropriate degree of tapering from base toward the extended medium Chu-kissaki. It is assumes that this construction is due to preferences in swordsmanship for thrusts rather than for cuts. (click HERE for super sized image of entire blade)
Forging(Hada): Kitae is conspicuous Mokume and Itame-hada whereas Masame is perceived on Shinogi-ji surface. The entire skin of Hiraji shows sparkling martensite crystals of Ji-nie to generate darkish gleaming lines of Chikei activity.
Temper(Hamon): Hamon of boundary line starts with short straight Yakidashi below Hamachi and starts with a large-Gunome that connects to undulating Noatre then box-like Hakoba, and tall Gunome that almost reaches to Shinogi-suji with an isolated quenching of Tobiyaki. Upper the Monouchi area, taller and brighter the Hamon that creates tassel-shaped Choji-ha with Togari-ha. The entire Hamon is excessive on stronger side Nie which is extremely deep and sparkling and the ravine of boundary line is covered with the mostly sparkling Nie. The interior is filled with mist-like Nioi where works with thick Gunome-ashi as well as frequent Sumagashi activity - short lines of Nie. The entire Hamon is flamboyant active with sparkling Nie and misty Nioi where is vividly bright.
Temper of tip(Boshi): Hamon of Boshi in front creates undulating Notare that becomes medium circle, whereas the other side forms a large Gunome, medium circle turns back deeply down to the back ridge of Mune.
Tang(Nakago): UBU in original. One Mekugi-ana retaining hole. Ō-sujikai greatly slanting left filemarks. V-shape Iriyama bottom heel. Back ridge is flat with Ō-sujikai filemark. The skillful engraving signature along Shinogi-suji starts with his native place Oushu-Natori-ju 奥州名取住 and the name of smith YASUTSUGU 安次.

Smith YASUTUSU 安次 real name Ōtomo Tōhachiro 大友藤八朗 who stationed in Sendai Castle with a stipend of 620,000 koku belonging to the Date clan 伊達, was born in Natori-gō on the north bank of the
Natori River. He was the younger brother of the 2nd gen. Yasutomo 安倫, a son of the first generation, Yukei TOMOSUKE 遊慶『倫祐』.
In 1656 Meireki 2nd, both he and his elder brother Yasutomo 安倫
(note) went up to the capital Edo to study under Hōjō-ji Masatomi 法城寺正富, then later became a student of Yamato-no-kami YASUSADA 大和守安定.
He engraved his smith name such as "Oushu Natori-ju YASUTUGU" 奥州名取住安次 or "Oushu Sendai-ju Fujiwara YASUTSUGU" 奥州仙台住藤原安次. He reporteadly stayed to produce his work at his atelier in Kanda Shirogane-cho in Edo.
In his later years, he became the adopted son of Kyu-tetsu KUNITSUGU 休鉄国次 who was the 2nd son of Kawachi-no-kami KUNISUKE 1st 初代河内守国助 in Settsu Province and has inherited the same family name in generations throughout Edo Samurai ages.

The sturdy and muscular body with a slight curve that suited the taste of brave Edo Samurai who valued martial arts, and it's burl patterns of Mokume with a tight and sturdy forging surface with prominent Masame-hada (straight grain pattern) on Shinogi-ji are excellent examples that demonstrate his mastery of the art. His work features a boldly-forged steel quenching large-Gunome box-like Hamon of the irregularities - those major character has close resemblance to his master Yamato-no-kami YASUSADA 大和守安定.
Original silver foiled Habaki collar, preserved in Shirasaya plain wood mouting.

(note) The 3rd-generation daimyo, Date Tsunamune 伊達綱宗 (the grandson of Date Masamune), was forced to retire at the age of 21 in 1660 Manji 3rd during the so-called "Date Disturbance." During his leisure time at the Date family's Shinagawa residence, he spent about two years as a swordsmith,under the instruction of the 2nd generation of Yasutomo 安倫 who was also a student of Yamato-no-kami YASUSADA 大和守安定

"Sendai-han Tosho Meifu" the Japanese Sword Preservation Society, Miyagi Prefecture Branch, 1973 Amarume-family family tree

Ishii Masakuni/Honma Kunzan, "Nihonto Meikan", Yuzankaku, 1975